All is Relative

A Revelation of Man's Cosmic Connections



Expand your consciousness!

In this book the author presents an overview of how the Ancient Wisdom Teachings can be applied to visualise and change our modern world and to see ourselves in the proper perspective of the Whole. Aart Jurriaanse touches upon essential concepts such as the source and nature of energy, wisdom, knowledge, God, the soul, free will, equality, acceptance, the path of return, doubt and self-confidence. His explanations of the fundamentals of existence and the complexity of life is written in an exceptionally clear and straightforward language.

“The concept of relativity applies to every terrain and every sphere of existence. … It might therefore be useful to draw the attention more specifically to some pertinent aspects where relativity plays a distinctive role. When fully recognised as such, this might lead towards attempts at better mutual understanding which would allow life to proceed on a more even keel.”
Aart Jurriaanse
(extract from page 42)

There is no doubt that on reading this book, a deep chord of truth will ring within the reader and take him to new heights of awareness.

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