Angels have been a fascination of mankind’s for over two thousand years, whether from a philosophical, theological or metaphysical perspective and indeed as a result many books have been written about them and their nature – but very few have been written BY them! The Archangelic Book of Ritual and Prayer is a bold undertaking from the Archangelic Kingdom to present their powerful and profound spiritual teachings to mankind. Bridging the chasm between the newcomer and the experienced “Angelologist” the channelings contained within range from explaining the nature of the Angelic Kingdom, why they were created and their function within the universe to the nature and duties of very specific archangelic beings rarely heard from before. Open the pages of this book and be enlightened by: – the Archangel Azrael, the Angel of Death and Transformation; – the Archangel Sandalphon, the Angel of Prayer, and his Divine twin Metatron, the Voice of the Divine; – the Elohim, the Angels of Time, and how we can aid them in healing our universe; -Sophia the mother of all Angels and the wisdom of the Divine Feminine. Plus many more! Each chapter contains a channelling from the Angel as well as a simple ritual, which can be used to make a deeper connection with these amazing Spirits and aid them in their heavenly tasks
The Archangelic Book of Ritual and Prayer
13,90 €
208 Seiten, Paperback
Erschienen 01. Jan 2005
ISBN: 978-3-929345-27-8
Sprache: Englisch